Tummy Wellness and Home-Made Remedies
What happens when we add certain herbs and spices to our ferments? Suddenly our food can become potent healing medicine. Join me as I share some Tummy Wellness tricks and show you how to make your own potent healing foods with everyday and wild foods.
Next presentation: TBA Email me to book this event! Your Gut On Stress
What are the effects of stress on your body and gut? Did you know that many symptoms associated with stress - inability to sleep, upset stomach, headache, anxiety - result from your nervous system "turning off" digestion? Learn what you can do to support digestion during crisis and minimize the damaging effects of stress on your gut, brain and body!
Next presentation: TBA Email me to book this event! Eating Healthy and Still Sick?
In this 90-minute presentation, I will introduce you to the digestive system, highlighting common symptoms and problem areas, and some unexpected causes. We will look at the gut-brain connection and what may be secretly sabotaging your best efforts to improve your digestion and health. You'll come away with a new perspective on digestion plus useful tips and information to help you start healing today!
Next presentation: TBA Email me to book this event! |
Fireweed Community Market
Every summer, I provide fermenting demonstrations for the Fireweed Community Market at Shipyards Park, Whitehorse.
Don't miss out! Next presentation is AUGUST 30. I'll be presenting: GUT SUPERHEALERS! Learn how to make your own potent healing foods with both common and wild foods. Sample delicious and locally fermented produce! Learn how fermenting is easier to do than canning and retains more nutrients, adds friendly prebiotics and probiotics to your diet, and how overall is much more nutritious for you. YES! I can also present these demos at your event and location! Just let me know! Into Fermenting?
Every last Friday of the month, I host the Fermented Foodies Culture Club.
We are a community of fermenting enthusiasts to share experiences, recipes and live cultures! Check it out here or join our Facebook group here. Contact Me
Can't make it to the demonstration or next talk? Contact me and I'll let you know when I'm giving another one.