A gut-supportive and dairy-free seasonal favourite that will warm your heart! However, note that as with a true egg nog, this recipe does use RAW eggs. So do not offer this drink to anyone who is immune-compromised and use the freshest eggs possible (a local source is best). Makes 1.5 litres. Coconut Kefir Eggnog ![]()
Place all the ingredients, minus the nutmeg, into a blender and process on high for 15-30 seconds. Transfer to a glass vessel such as a 1 or 2 Litre mason jar and cover. Chill for at least 2 hours. To serve, pour the eggnog into classes and sprinkle with nutmeg.
This is a traditional chocolate cake recipe with a fermented twist! I know it seems strange to have sauerkraut in a cake, but it’s amazing and a great way to get the benefits of probiotic kraut into your guests. (Yes, studies show that even cooked/dead bacteria still help us) (No, your guests won’t know there is kraut in it!) Make this even more digestible by using a sprouted flour. Chocolate Sauerkraut Cake with Kefir Icing
the bottom with parchment paper. Put the butter and the sugar in a mixer bowl and beat until the butter is soft. Add the eggs and the vanilla. In another bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sea salt, and cocoa together. Meanwhile, rinse the sauerkraut with water and drain. Place the sauerkraut in a food processor or blender and puree – you may use half the water to help the sauerkraut puree. Add the flour-cocoa mixture to the butter mixture and gradually add the rest of the water. Add the sauerkraut and mix. Be sure to scrape the side of the bowl so it is mixed completely. Add the batter to the cake pan. Bake at 325 for 30-35 minutes. Remove from the oven. The cake is ready to come out of the oven when you touch it lightly with your fingers and it springs back. Let it sit for five minutes. Go around the edge with a palette knife to loosen the cake from the pan. Turn upside down on a wire rack. Let cool. Cut into pieces and place each piece on a plate. Drizzle with Chocolate or Plain Kefir Glaze. Chocolate Kefir Icing 1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/4 cup milk kefir 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract or 3 drops of peppermint essential oil (optional) Place chocolate chips in the top of a double boiler over low heat. Stir until melted. Remove from heat. When chocolate is still warm, but not hot, add the kefir and stir until well combined. Wait until the cake has cooled before dribbling the glaze back and forth across the cake. All kefir lovers, pay attention! This recipe makes the best soft cheese ever, so make LOTS because it will go fast! ![]() The last three ingredients are optional, depending on what you are making, since you can use this cheese to make other foods or condiments like: - salad dressings, - dips, - spreads, - icing/frosting, or - even to thicken up your Coconut Kefir Eggnog! You'll need to start making kefir two days in advance - one to ferment the milk, then at least 6 hours to hang it. Then its just an easy couple steps to make the soft cheese into what ever you like! Kefir Cream Cheese (to die for) ![]() Makes half to one cup depending on the fat content in your milk. • One litre finished milk kefir • Cheesecloth or nut bag • Pinch of sea salt (optional) • One garlic clove, crushed (optional) • A handful of fresh chopped dill, or 3/4 tsp dried (optional). Over a bowl, pour your finished kefir through a cheesecloth or nut bag. Tie up the bag so the kefir can continue to drain into the bowl for a few hours or overnight. You will be left with a clear whey liquid in the bowl (useful for starting other ferments) and a creamy curdy cheese inside the cheesecloth. Scrape the cheese into a 250ml jar, add the salt, crushed garlic and dill, and stir well. You can consume immediately but it will taste better if you refrigerate it for at least 24 hr. Take your usual holiday Cranberry Sauce to a new level! Here's one of the best local lowbush cranberry sauces EVER! It is not as sweet as a traditional stovetop sauce but it is packed with flavor and compliments grouse, turkey or chicken. I promise your guests will be wow’ed by it! Makes a 500ml jar. Wild Cranberry Chutney ![]()
Clean and wash your cranberries, then use a knife or food processor to lightly chop them. Transfer to a bowl. Mix in the salt and let the brine develop while you zest and segment your orange. Remove the membranes and any pith then chop up the sections into chunks. Now mix all the ingredients together and transfer to a clean 500 ml mason jar. Press down firmly and use a weight to keep the ferment submerged under the brine. Ferment for 5-7 days, checking on Day 4 and 5 for flavour. Store in the fridge, it will keep for at least a month… but mine never lasts that long! Enjoy both the taste and the reaction of your guests :) Need something unique to serve at your next Christmas dinner party? For the next week, I'm going to share five of my own favourite recipes that I serve at this time of year. Not only are they delicious, but they get people thinking about how tasty food can also be good medicine! Each recipe is packed full of immune-supporting nutrients to help keep your loved ones healthy through the party season, and lots of probiotics to nurture their "inner garden" and support good digestion during the feast! RECIPE #1: Start today! Spruce Tip Kombucha by Katherine Belisle RHN What a great way to SPRUCE up your usual kombucha for a festive Noel celebration!
This recipe makes just over a litre, and I'd recommend at least 2L for a party. Keep it tightly capped until its time to serve to maintain the fizz. This kombucha is also a great substitute for alcohol since its festive and interesting, and looks great in a wine glass. Enjoy! It’s time for the final tip on how to keep your gut happy through crisis or busy/stressful times. And I know you’re busy NOW, so I’ll keep this really short! Let's look at what we've covered so far: So let's talk about the that last tip… Why take Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C daily? Here’s why.
You may notice I didn’t talk about DIET much. That’s okay. We’ll get to that later… after Christmas! ![]() BUT If you need more help now,.. ...or if you'd like to offer some real relief to someone you care about with food/gut problems... I have gift certificates available here that you can request for you, or to give help to the one you love. Click on the link for information. Hurry though, I can only take a limited number of new clients and the discount ends December 24. Happy holidaying! Katherine PS Remember you can always join our It Takes Guts Community for daily support and guidance! We’re moving into the Christmas season and times are getting b.u.s.y! Right? So let's keep up with how to keep your gut healthy and happy for the season, even if you've got some stressful situations that are messing with your best efforts. What next? Now we focus on FOODS TO EAT - and NOT what to avoid - as that is just a minefield for stress, especially during the holiday season. So, let’s not go there today! Here are two powerful foods to focus on to build and maintain a healthy gut through crisis:
Start with a small amount and work up to 1/4-1/2 cup a day. Try this recipe as a delicious way to add kraut to your smoothie! (Yes, it actually tastes great!)
Start with a small amount and work up to 1/4 to 1/2 cup per day. Try this recipe as a delicious way substitute for dessert coffee! Look, its not just me, many studies show that rebalancing our gut microbiome leads to positive changes in our brain chemistry. (Like in this study) That affects how you think and feel (ie. calmer) and that affects how well you digest. Do you see how it all connects? The steps I am sharing with you are simple, yet effective, because they engage the parasympathetic nervous system (ie. you're relaxed) so that digestion is fully activated, and they provide the necessary "team support" (aka. prebiotics and probiotics). Stay tuned for the final step I took to keep my gut happy during crisis. It’s another easy one, but one you cannot afford to miss. With love for your gut, Katherine DO YOU ALREADY EAT sauerkraut and kefir? What are your favorite recipes? Feel free to comment below or come join us in the Fermented Foodies Culture Club where we share live cultures , recipes and knowledge. Get support and tips to heal and maintain good gut health in our private It Takes Guts Community! |
November 2023
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Contact MeIt Takes Guts Nutrition
Katanne Belisle RHN Gut Health Specialist Whitehorse, YT, CAN |
What Clients Are Saying"I was plagued by a myriad of digestive and inflammatory issues and after months of discomfort I was fortunate enough to meet Katanne. Her insight, intuition, knowledge and caring attention has made it possible for me to heal and thrive with a new understanding of the food I eat. I am now healthier, happier and have more energy than I have had in quite some time. " ~ Steve T. "Katanne gives well balanced information versed in first hand experience and research. After seeing various health professionals over the years, doing my own research, trials and tribulations, I can (say) that this is the real deal, and that what she provides people is a holistic, realistic approach to healing oneself through food" ~ Elizabeth G.